Commitment to justice

Join us in committing to use your voice, your position, and your power to actualize justice.

A Commitment to Justice

I commit to contributing to a future where justice is a reality. 

I commit to understanding and acknowledging. Acknowledging that injustices prevail everywhere, and that understanding historical harms is a requisite to correcting unjust systems. 

I will concede the limitations of my own lens. I commit to being curious. I will listen to and honor the experiences of others. I will give myself grace for not knowing and be purposeful about learning what I do not know and taking that knowledge to correct the “then” for a better “now.”  

I commit to reimagining. I will reimagine ways of thinking, being, and doing that foster fairness, equity, and opportunity for all. Knowing that we cannot reimagine different until we understand the harms existing systems cause. I will continually ask, “Who does this harm? Who does this benefit?” until I can no longer answer the first question because the answer to the second is “all.” 

I commit to accepting resistance, conflict, and discomfort as part of the path to success. I will challenge the status quo. I will denounce the performative, check-the-box approaches. I will not prioritize comfort over progress. I recognize that it will not be easy, but will remain courageous and steadfast amid resistance. I will not prefer the ways of the dominant group.   I will center the experiences of those most impacted without judgment.  

I commit to dismantling systems that perpetuate harm to marginalized communities. I commit to building a new blueprint for the future. A future that centers and actualizes justice. A future that redistributes power. Recognizing that a livable future requires not only diversity, equity, and inclusion … it demands justice

I commit to a world that works for all

I commit to operationalizing justice.